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No support for refugees returned to Greece

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March, we turn our attention to the systemic barriers and neglect that continue to affect recognised refugees forcibly returned to Greece from other EU countries.

Returns of recognised refugees to Greece have intensified over the recent period, as European Union (EU) countries increasingly enforce return policies targeting beneficiaries of international protection. Notable examples include Germany’s push for the implementation of return schemes through pilot programmes and broader EU policy shifts. Our earlier analysis of Germany’s border controls and deportations offers further insights into these developments.

Recognised refugees continue to be returned to Greece from other European countries without any assistance to cater for their basic human needs and to navigate chronic, well-documented barriers to access to protection. The cases of three people returned since the start of the year come as a stark reminder.

Francis* was returned from Germany in January 2025, Zahra* was returned from Switzerland in January 2025, and Bashir* returned from Germany in February 2025. Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) has assisted them with legal support and monitored the conditions of their return to Greece.

No information upon arrival

All three refugees were returned to Greece by airplane, per usual practice. Zahra was escorted by Swiss police officers upon the authorities’ second attempt to readmit her. On the first unsuccessful attempt, Zahra was brought to a plane handcuffed and in a state of severe mental distress. Τhe pilot refused to conduct her deportation flight.

Francis and Zahra were detained by Hellenic Police officers upon arriving at Athens International Airport for identification purposes, for periods ranging from half an hour to a few hours. No interpreters were available to ensure communication with the Greek authorities in any of their cases. Both were subsequently released and told to leave the airport without receiving any document, leaflet, information or guidance on where to refer to next. Bashir returned on his own from Germany and was not apprehended at Athens International Airport. 

Zahra and Bashir returned to Greece without valid documentation, as their residence permits had expired. They did not receive information on how to request their renewal at the Asylum Service.

No support after return

Refugees in Greece have no guaranteed access to housing. This includes people readmitted from other countries. None of the three refugees returned in early 2025 had any state-provided accommodation to return to. Zahra, for example, took a bus from the airport to the centre of Athens and had to spend the night sleeping rough in a city square.

No state-run integration support was available to them. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), responsible for implementing the HELIOS+ programme announced in early February 2025, was still not accepting applications for enrolment when Francis, Zahra and Bashir were returned to Greece.

German support programme shrouded in ambiguity

In the particular case of Germany, refugees previously granted international protection in Greece receive a letter from the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), signed “Your Helios+ support team”. The letter states: “German and Greek authorities cooperate with the International Organization for Migration to facilitate starting a new life in Greece. You will enjoy pickup from the airport and transfer to your new accommodation centre after arrival in Greece. You will be offered room and full board there. The staff will offer you comprehensive counselling to find out how you can successfully manage your new start in Greece – including language courses or assistance with finding your way on the job market. You will receive advice on how to apply for applicable government benefits and how to find a permanent residence. You will be eligible to stay in the temporary accommodation for 4 months. During this period, you will participate in the government integration programme Helios+, which is also implemented by IOM…” The same letter provides a link to a questionnaire titled “Vote: Questionnaire on eligibility for integration projects in Greece”, without specifying a particular programme, as well as a [email protected] email address for queries.

After returning to Greece, Francis emailed the above email address and requested more information on the advertised BAMF support programme. The BAMF replied to his lawyer as follows: “For participation in the support programme it is necessary that we first check whether the requirements for participating are met. Therefore, we request you to forward the following link to a questionnaire to your client… Please be aware that the completed questionnaire should be sent back in a timely manner for being able to check the eligibility of your client.” 

The BAMF added: “When the relevant questionnaire has been completed and if the person meets the relevant requirements, she/he can take part in the support programme in GRC. The requirements for the support programme in GRC are verified by IOM in Greece and the responsible Greek local authorities. If your client is interested in the support programme in Greece, please contact these authorities.” 

Francis subsequently wrote to IOM in Greece, asking whether the BAMF programme is in fact the HELIOS+ programme implemented by IOM in Greece or concerns a separate programme. In early February 2025, IOM responded, informing Francis that “registrations in HELIOS+ have not yet started”. The HELIOS+ programme retains the rule of support to beneficiaries for a period of up to 12 months, and is open to registration for people granted international or temporary protection in Greece in the last two years.

For his part, Bashir filled the questionnaire provided by the BAMF for access to its advertised support programme, prior to returning to Greece. He received the following response: “You have completed the ‘Questionnaire on Eligibility for Integration Projects in Greece’. After reviewing your information, we regret to inform you that you do not meet the requirements for participating in the current integration program in Greece.” No explanation was provided on the reasons why Bashir was considered ineligible for support.

The chronic legal and practical obstacles to refugees’ access to documents and socio-economic rights have not been addressed. We maintain the view that these expose many beneficiaries of international protection to homelessness and destitution in breach of the right to dignity and the prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment. Every year, RSA and Stiftung PRO ASYL publish detailed reports on the situation of recognised refugees in Greece (2024 report). These issues will be addressed in our upcoming 2025 annual report, due for publication in early April.

*Names of persons cited in this text have been changed to protect safety and privacy.

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