Recurring serious indications of informal forced returns through sea and land borders
Push backs-collective expulsions
During these pushbacks families of asylum seekers are often forcibly separated.
The annual report for 2022 of the Recording Mechanism of Incidents of Informal Forced Returns in Greece
In this podcast we focus on the deadly shipwreck that happened in Farmakonisi in 2014, for which the European Court of Justice condemned Greece
Οι παραβιάσεις που εντοπίστηκαν από το Δικαστήριο στην υπόθεση του Φαρμακονησίου δεν αποτελούν ένα μεμονωμένο περιστατικό.
A Syrian refugee ,victim of informal forced return from Greece to Turkey, is among the earthquake victims in the city of Afrin
RSA is a member of the Registration Mechanism.
What remains to be decided are its accompanying measures
Campaign for Access to Asylum
According to all indications the person has been unlawfully pushed back to Turkey.