Accountability for the criminal train collision in Tempi and the Pylos shipwreck are fundamental issues of Rule of Law.
Violations at the borders
Clear evidence of serious criminal liability among senior Coast Guard officers
The absence of any investigation into the responsibilities of the competent search and rescue bodies and the leadership of the Greek Coast Guard is deafening
On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, we publish a transcript of the testimony given to us by Bilal*, a survivor of the Pylos shipwreck.
Recurring serious indications of informal forced returns through sea and land borders
The video of the Press Conference on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the deadly shipwreck off Pylos
Video with testimonials, timeline. The Pylos shipwreck was one of the deadliest in the Mediterranean. The demand for Justice persists.
The press conference will be conducted entirely in Greek.