202201 rsa cover en schengen reform

18 Jan: Schengen reform: The European Commission dismantles even basic safeguards of the Common European Asylum System through unacceptable rule of law deviations

The European Commission tabled legislative proposals to amend the Schengen Borders Code and to address so-called “instrumentalisation” in migration and asylum, two months after 12 Member States, including Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, requested the “adaptation of EU law to new realities” and after the European Council called on the Commission to take legislative measures.

202112 Greek Asylum Case Law Report (1170 x 540 px)

10 Jan: First Greek Asylum Case Law Report published by legal organisations

The first issue of the Greek Asylum Case Law Report published today is a joint initiative of the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), HIAS Greece and Refugee Support Aegean (RSA), organisations providing legal support and representation to refugees and asylum seekers in Greece. The note compiles extracts of decisions of Administrative Courts, the Independent Appeals Committees and the Asylum Service in the area international protection selected from the casework of the above organisations.