The new issue of the Greek Asylum Case Law Report released today provides excerpts from 70 decisions
Quality of the asylum procedure
The Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is at dire risk of dismantlement in view of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.
The major protection risks attached to the reform. Webinar organised by the Border Violence Monitoring Network
The Greek discourse and the consequences expected from the reform of the “Common European Asylum System” (CEAS)
A glance at compliance with the landmark 2011 European Court of Human Rights judgment
Reject the Use of Legal Loopholes in EU Asylum Law Reforms
The new issue provides excerpts from 99 decisions
The Council of the European Union sets impermissible restrictions on refugees’ access to asylum procedures in Europe.
The upgrade of the database maintained by the Asylum Service “Alkyoni”, has “frozen” the asylum procedures since early May.
Analysis of main trends in refugee protection