19 refugees dead in the devastating fires and escalation of racist violence in Evros, Greece

While the situation seems to be out of control with fires burning across a large part of Greece, from Evros region to Parnitha in Attica, the tragic human toll currently includes 19 confirmed dead refugees on Evros.
One refugee was found charred on Monday 21/8 in Lefkimi, Evros, where he was reportedly trapped and died from the fumes. Another 18 refugees, including two children, died yesterday, Tuesday 22/8 in the Dadia forest, where they were also found charred by firefighters.
At the same time, the fires have destroyed and threaten vast forest and residential areas, many of which have been evacuated. The evacuation of the Alexandroupolis hospital at dawn on Tuesday is characteristic: 65 impatiens, including babies and intubated patients, were transferred to a passenger ferry boat that served as a floating hospital and to the port of Alexandroupolis, in tents. Νursing homes in the city were also evacuated.
The lack of effective fire protection, prevention and response to the fires is blatant, also due to the severe understaffing – also blatant is the overall inadequacy of the state mechanism. The fires, which burn huge green areas and now also residential areas every year, are a predestined tragedy, to the extent that no effective protection and response policies are implemented.
At a time when at least 19 refugees are dead, instead of the State assuming its responsibilities, we unfortunately see its representatives obfuscating reality, and in some cases, accepting, if not fomenting, racist discourse and practices. Characteristic is the statement of the Minister of Migration and Asylum Dimitris Kairidis on the deaths that “this tragedy confirms, once again, the dangers of irregular migration”, as well as the respective statement by the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias. At the same time, an attempt is unfolding to collectively incriminate refugees in part of the media, referring to alleged arson and fires emerging on the paths they follow.
To top it off, we see an escalation of racist violence in Evros, targeting refugees and migrants as allegedly responsible for the fires: yesterday, on Tuesday, a video was released in which a civilian has 13 refugees imprisoned in his truck – he referred to 25 people – and calls for a pogrom against them. After the extent of the incident, he was arrested along with two alleged accomplices without, however, any official information on the fate of the kidnapped refugees. At the same time, many other reports and videos speak of vigilante “militias” and “bounty hunters”, citizens that are called to swoop in against refugees and migrants. Further, members of the parliament appear to foment such practices through their public statements, which include racist language and a “call to action” to citizens in the area.
This escalation of racist discourse and practices is extremely worrying and cannot be tolerated! The murderous persecution of refugees at the borders and racist “pogroms” must stop now, their victims must be protected, existing incidents must be thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators must be punished, taking into account a potential racist motive. The State must assume its responsibilities and act immediately to identify and rescue people who may be in danger in the region, both from these practices and from the devastating fires. Furthermore, as regards the dead, all the relevant protocols must be followed to identify them, inform their relatives and bury their remains, with respect for the dead and their rights.