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The new issue of the Greek Asylum Case Law Report released today provides excerpts from 120 decisions
Statistics provided by the Appeals Authority to Refugee Support Aegean (RSA)[1] give rise to important observations on the examination of…
The situation in the CCAC on Leros.
On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, we publish a transcript of the testimony given to us by Bilal*, a survivor of the Pylos shipwreck.
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The Administrative Arrangement between Ministry of migration Policy of the Hellenic Republic and the Federal Ministry of Interior of the…
The HELIOS programme, the only programme for refugee integration in Greece, has been suspended since January 1, 2024, due to lack of funding.
The major protection risks attached to the reform. Webinar organised by the Border Violence Monitoring Network
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We are collecting old laptops, of the past 8 years, and to distribute them to refugee children, thus enabling them to attend educational classes remotely
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In the framework of their campaign #StopTheToxicDeal RSA and PRO ASYL publish today the fourth topic that concerns Detention. #StopTheToxicDeal
The European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report, published on July 24, 2024, misleads readers about the state of the rule of law in Greece